Lähdön aika

Tielle hyppivät lehmät
Cows who jumped on the way

Viimeiset viikot Itävallassa ovat kuluneet nopeaan. Näihin päiviin on kuulunut pakkaamista, siivousta ja kavereiden hyvästelyä. Kaikki lähtevät eri aikaan ja lähes joka päivä on joutunut heittämään hyvästit jollekin. Vanhempani kävivät täällä käymässä muutaman päivän ja heidän kanssaan kierrettiin Dornbirniä ja Bregenziä ympäriinsä. Kävimme Fabienin kanssa polkuveneajelulla Bodensee-järvellä ja Martinan kanssa lyhyellä vaelluksella Staufen-vuorelle Hohenemsissa. Hannan, Linnean ja Josen kanssa kävimme Innsbruckissa päiväselti autolla. Talot olivat siellä värikkäitä ja kauniita. Kävin myös yhtenä päivänä Lünersee-järvellä vaeltamassa 2000 metrin korkeudessa. Siellä tapasin joukon suomalaisia vaeltajia.

Suunnittelimme ja kuvasimme seurakunnalla kesä tapahtumien teaser-videon Timin ja pastori-Hanneksen kanssa. Projekti oli kyllä huikea, ja olen erittäin innoissani lopputuloksesta. Varsinkin, kun videon kuvauksiinkin ehdimme käyttää vain puolisen tuntia. Editissä kuluikin aikaa useampi myöhään vietetty ilta seurakunnalla. Video on nähtävissä tämän tekstin alapuolella. Sunnuntaina hyvästelinkin ICF-seurakunnan, mikä tuntui haikealta. Vaihtarien porukasta kaikki hajoavat omille teilleen, mutta seurakunnan kaverini ovat kaikki paikallisia ja jäisivät tänne.


Sebastianstrassen porukka
Sebastianstrasse group

Lento torstaina takaisin Suomeen onkin saanut aikaan melko ristiriitaisia fiiliksiä. Tuntuu ihanalta päästä takaisin kotiin, nähdä ystäviä ja perhettä, kuulla suomen kieltä, käydä saunassa ja syödä ruisleipää järven rannalla nauttien kesän lopputtomasta auringon valosta. Toisaalta taas ei haluasi lähteä vielä täältä. On juuri ehtinyt tutustua ihmisiin paremmin ja saada ystäviä, kun niistä pitäisikin jo luopua. En haluaisi vielä jättää Dornbirnia, uusia kavereita, äärettömiä Alppimaisemia, seurakuntaa ja vuorten väliin laskevia auringonlaskuja Vuosi sitten raapustin pienen kirjoitelman pohtiessani lähtemistä ja jäämistä. Luin kirjoituksen nyt uudelleen ja huomasin sen sopivan tähän hetkeen.

Reitti Lünerseelle
Path to Lünersee

The feeling of missing

At the same time it's wonderful and awful
Wonderful that you have had something so precious that you miss it
Awful cause nothing can take the feeling away

It's different to miss one person, a group of people, atmosphere or a place
To one person you can call or text if you miss them
A group of people you may be able to text
but it's not the same as they were there with you

Atmosphere is often related to a place and 
when you miss a place you usually miss the people there
And a place you can't get any way else but going there

But the place might not be the same anymore
when you do go there after missing it
There might not be the people or atmosphere you miss anymore
A place is just a place without people

Time is the only thing that helps to that feeling
It's easier to forget something when you have some new things to miss
It's easier not to miss a person when you don't remember how it felt being with them
But those people that make an impact for our lives we will always remember
No matter how long time ago we have met them

The memories are what matters
You can't get the moments back and still 
You will miss those moments

It's wonderful and awful at the same time
Wonderful that you have had those moments
But awful that you can't get them back

Enjoy the little moments today
Cause you can't know
Which of them you are going to miss tomorrow 

Bregenzin moottoritiet
Highways of Bregenz
Fabien ja Patrick

Last weeks in Austria have gone by fast. These days have contained packing, cleaning and saying goodbye for friends. Everyone is leaving at different times so almost every day I have had to say goodbye for someone. My parents came here to visit for couple of days. With them we went around Dornbirn and Bregenz. With Fabien we made a pedalo boat ride in the Lake of Constance and with Martina we made a short hiking tour in Hohenems to Staufen mountain. We drove to Innsbruck for one day with Hanna, Linnea and Jose. The houses there were colorful and beautiful. One day I also went hiking to Lünersee lake which is 2000 meters high. There I met a group of Finnish hikers.

We planned and filmed a teaser video in the church with Tim and pastor Hannes. Project was awesome and I was really excited about the outcome. Especially when we only had half an hour time to film everything, although editing took several late nights at the church. You can watch the video below this post. On Sunday I said bye for the ICF church and that felt sad. Every exchange student also leaves but people in the church are locals and they will stay here and I will leave.

My flight back to Finland is on Thursday and that makes me feel very mixed feelings. I am happy to go home, meet my friends and family, hear Finnish language, go to sauna and eat rye bread by the lake enjoying endless sunlight. Somehow I wouldn't want to leave yet. I have just got to know people better, got friends, and then I should leave. I wouldn't want to leave yet Dornbirn, new friends, endless views of the Alps, the church and sunsets between the mountains. A year ago I wrote a small writing when I was thinking about leaving and staying. I read it again now and I realized it fits to this moment. You are able to read it above.


  1. I know the feeling sweetie. Much of what you're feeling in this post I have felt when I left Finland. What I've lived in there, the memories we made and the amazing people I've met are much of the reason why I am coming back someday. Keep doing what you're doing, keep yourself busy with awesome stuff but don't forget those moments, it's good to have memories like those to remember.

    - Eddie

  2. I know you feel me Edi! your comment made me feel better now :) and we will meet when you come back to Finland, for sure!


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